
Monday 28 May 2012

HIV test

A man went for HIV test in a hospital on Friday and was told to come back on following week for the result. He now decided to go to church that Sunday to pray for a good result from the test. When he got to the church, the pastor declares to the people that everything you are looking forward to this week shall be positive.

Anxiously , the man jumped up and shouted, I reject it in Jesus name my own will be negative in Jesus name.

Friday 25 May 2012

                                                             i love this Stunt driver do you\

Do you have a joke, funny picture, video. Send it to and it will be publish immediately.

funny girl

Victor was just taking a look at his girl's friend phone and saw funny names, saved in the contact list... Such as Taiwo Stingy, Tola slender, James big ear, Mick   Blacky. He was just laughing at all the names he saw. So, he decided to check out what his own number had been saved as, when he called his line, what he saw was shocking, "DANIEL MOUTH ODOUR".


A Sexy,beautiful, good looking lady was sitting next to a guy in a plane. Suddenly the lady ask the guy ' Please can you help me remove something from my breast? ‘The guy was so excited and replied, 'Wow! It will be my pleasure....... So what is it?' "Your Eyes, idiot!"

The Policemen and the ghost

Some policemen on duty at around 11:30pm saw a well dressed man walking towards them.

"Stop! Where are you going at this of the day?" One of the policemen asked.

"Sorry sir" the man politely answered, "I was brought to this place (pointing behind him to  a cemetery) and continued, but it has been lonely there so I decided to come out here to see if I can find someone to make friends with."

Immediately, the Police here this they vanish. Their caps, shoes are seen all over the place ……

Jokes Galore let go there